Chadwick Project Graduation 2015 will be hosting their first fundraiser on September 27, 2014.
It’s time to break out your secret chili recipe ladies and gentlemen because the winner of the cook off will receive 30 Bingo cards as their prize! If you would like to just purchase cards they are $20 for 30 cards or $10 for 15 cards. Please join us for chili, bingo, or both!
Dinner will be served from the chili cook off at 5:00PM and is donation based.
Bingo will begin at 6:00PM with prizes having a $10 value each.
If you plan on making chili for the cook off please let Sheila Hampton (838-5421) or Misty Stevens (299-1066) know by Thursday September 25th. You can also respond via the event Facebook page