Good Bye, Ugly Blue Tarp


Everybody say goodbye to the ugly blue tarp that was used at the annual carnival and various other events to protect the gym floor.

A very nice new floor cover has been purchased! Now nobody will have to deal with unraveling the huge old blue tarp that really didn’t protect the floor very well. The new floor cover is a carpet-like material and is on a rolling cart and will simply be rolled out and rolled back in on the cart.

The PTO invested $5,000 toward the new floor cover, and the school covered the cost of the rolling cart  ($1800) and the remaining cost of the flooring ($524).

Some additional funds may come from the Booster Club as well. Booster Club member Stacy Farris said, “Depending on how much we make with fundraisers, the Booster Club plans to help purchase the rolling cart to store the flooring.”

Principal David Aldrich is very thankful to have the new covering. “I’m tickled to death,” he said. “The new tarp will protect the floor better, will be more attractive, and will be safer. I can’t thank the PTO enough for making it happen.”