D.E.A.R (Drop Everything And Read)


Friday September 27, Chadwick school hosted a D.E.A.R hour to show students how important it is to just find some time to read.

Principal David Aldrich said, “Reading is something we have go to get back to, not only for information, but as something that we can all enjoy.”

Many students enjoyed this opportunity to get back to reading. They have all been busy this year and working hard. High school history teacher Coach Hyde said, “It was a relaxing hour just getting to sit back and read.” Coach Hyde spent the hour reading The Book of Basketball by Bill Simons.

Senior Faith Wheelock spent her hour relaxing and reading Nurse by Peggy Anderson. Faith says, “My book was about a woman’s experiences as a nurse, and all the stories that she has to tell….I’m really busy usually and I don’t really ever get anytime to read my book.”

Junior Susannah Hahn read The Brisingr by Christopher Paolini and she said, “This book has got a bunch of cute guys in it, and it is also very mystical, which I love. My favorite characters are Eragon and Raron, which are very beautiful cousins. These two are very good when it comes to sword fighting.”

Kindergartener Remington read Tigers. “My favorite part of the book was the first page because I liked the tiger on it,” he said.

Preschooler Sidney Petro read Trains and said his favorite part was reading about “the people riding in them.”

Overall, students and teachers alike seemed to find the D.E.A.R hour to be productive and relaxing.