Tag Archives: supplies
Call for Art Supplies
Mrs. Bowers has students getting ready to do some building projects. If you have any of the following supplies, feel free to bring them in this week. -empty yogurt containers -paper towel rolls -oatmeal containers -cereal boxes -pop tart boxes
2014-2015 Chadwick Middle School Supply Packet
Hello Chadwick parents! We are preparing the 2014-2015 school year supply list for middle school students (5th-8th grade). We are offering (and encouraging) students to purchase a prepackaged supply kit that we put together over the summer that will include the required supplies for core classes next year. We are …
Art Supplies Needed
Below is a list of items that always go fast and the art room is always in constant need of! If you have any of these supplies at home and are not using them, please think about donating them to the art department. fabric scraps (any design, any color) bottle …